In our cocoon

Sans détour, sans artifice, sans retenue. Tu es peut-être le seul que j'arrive à regarder droit dans les yeux. Sans me sentir jugée, sans me sentir gênée. Protégée de ton regard, je me sens bien dans notre cocon encore si jeune.

© coprytights illchill Bruxelles July 2010

Who would have known
That a boy like him
Would have entered me lightly
Restoring my blisses

Who would have known
That a boy like him
After sharing my core
Would stay going nowhere

Who would have known
A beauty this immense
Who would have known
A saintly trance
Who would have known
Miraculous breath
To inhale a beard
Loaded with courage

Who would have known
That a boy like him
Possessed of magical
Who would approach a girl like me
Who caresses cradles his head
In her bossom

He slides inside
Half awake, half asleep
We faint back
Into sleephood
When I wake up
In his arms
He's still inside me

Who would have known
Who would have known

A train of pearls
Cabin by cabin
Is shot precisely
Across an ocean

From a mouth
From the mouth
Of a girl like me
To a boy

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