You've Early Closed Your Curtains

You've Early Closed Your Curtains (Model : Jessie H.) - © copyrights some[wh]air Brussels August 2011

5 commentaires:

Matt a dit…

Le travail sur la lumière est, ah.

alessandra a dit…

beautiful works!

somewhair a dit…

> Matt : Merci beaucoup :)

> alessandra : Thank you very much !!

tRiSh a dit…

This is one of your best work!

I love how you explore new things, I'm happy to see your evolution, it's really a great adventure to watch!

somewhair a dit…

> tRiSh : Oh thank you so much for this big compliment, I'm always afraid to be repetitive so I'm so glad that we notice that I try new things :) <3